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The lost hiker sought shelter from the storm by seeking refuge in an abandoned cabin. El perdido senderista buscó refugio de la tormenta al buscar asilo en una cabaña abandonada.
2. try to locate or discover, or try to establish the existence of.
The detective spent hours seeking clues at the crime scene to solve the mysterious murder. El detectives pasó horas buscando indicios en el escenario del crimen para resolver el misterioso asesinato.
3. make an effort or attempt.
Despite numerous attempts, she will seek to solve the puzzle again tomorrow morning. A pesar de numerosos intentos, buscará resolver el rompecabezas nuevamente mañana por la mañana.
4. go to or towards.
The hikers sought to reach the summit of the mountain, so they set out early in the morning to seek higher ground. Los senderos buscan alcanzar la cima de la montaña, por lo que salieron temprano por la mañana para buscar terreno más alto.
5. inquire for.
As I researched the rare book, I sought out information on its author and publication date from various online sources. Mientras investigaba el libro raro, busqué información sobre su autor y fecha de publicación en varias fuentes en línea.
provoke verbo
1. call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses).
Arouse pity Traducción de 'Arouse pity'
Raise a smile Traducción de 'Raise a smile'
Evoke sympathy Traducción de 'Evoke sympathy'
2. evoke or provoke to appear or occur.
Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple Traducción de 'Her behavior provoked a quarrel between the couple'
3. provide the needed stimulus for.
4. annoy continually or chronically.
He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked Traducción de 'He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked'
This man harasses his female co-workers Traducción de 'This man harasses his female co-workers'
something sustantivo
negative adjetivo
1. characterized by or displaying negation or denial or opposition or resistance.
The company's negative attitude towards innovation hindered their ability to adapt to changing market trends, ultimately leading to their decline. La actitud negativa de la empresa hacia la innovación obstaculizó su capacidad para adaptarse a las tendencias del mercado en constante evolución, lo que finalmente llevó a su declive.
2. expressing or consisting of a negation or refusal or denial.
The negative response from the investor led to a stalemate in the negotiations, and the deal ultimately fell through. La respuesta negativa del inversor llevó a un estancamiento en las negociaciones y el acuerdo finalmente no se concretó.
3. not indicating the presence of microorganisms or disease or a specific condition.
The medical test results were negative, indicating that she did not have the infection. Los resultados del examen médico fueron negativos, lo que indica que ella no tenía la infección.
4. reckoned in a direction opposite to that regarded as positive.
The negative angle of the mirror reflected the image in reverse, making it difficult to recognize. El ángulo negativo del espejo reflejó la imagen al revés, lo que hacía difícil reconocerla.